2013 TCA Mission Africa Video


JenniMillet's 2013 Africa album on Photobucket

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Afterthoughts and update on the well

We hope everyone has now recovered from our travels to Kenya. We thought the trip went very well. We were so glad to have had each of you be a part of the trip. It was amazing to see how the Lord used everyone in unique ways to serve others and reflect Him. What a tremendous blessing to have served alongside you all and to share Christ with others. We live in a blessed community where we have such opportunities available to us. Thank you all for serving in such glorious ways. I believe Christ was honored in how we served. We miss seeing each of you, especially in our times of worship and praise in the evenings. A quick update: They have FOUND WATER during the second drilling on the well for the Masaai people in Rurya. We are praising the Lord for providing the water and for the means to get it. We know that this is by His provision and timing that this has now taken place. Praise Him for this wonderful news and that this will be a blessing for the people in that region. Thanks to Ron Crosby for all his hard work and diligence in helping to see this though to fruition. Please keep those you met while in Africa in your prayers as we desire to see them continue to serve Christ faithfully or, in some cases, just come to know Him. We appreciate you all! In Christ Alone, Jon and Jenni

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Video from Last Year's 2012 Trip