2013 TCA Mission Africa Video


JenniMillet's 2013 Africa album on Photobucket

Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday, June 24

Well - today was our last official day of ministry here in Africa. Tomorrow morning everyone leaves to head to the Masaai Mara to relax and reflect on all that we have seen and done. We love for our students to see this incredible place that God made. Our team here in Thika spent our last day at the Otto Hoffman Center, which is a combination orphanage and rescue center for girls, and a free feeding shelter for some of the kids who live in a nearby slum. We were all very humbled to hear some of their stories and see the conditions they lived in. Dr. Wien did a fabulous job again of checking each of the children while we ran a VBS program for them. He patiently spent time with each child and took several minutes to pray for them...that they would come to know Christ, someday find a kind and loving spouse, and be able to serve the Lord. The team in Kajaido finished the church they've been building and also visited an orphanage and School for Disabled that they found there. We can't wait to see them tomorrow and hear all about their time there. Thank you again for all the prayers. It's so impossible to sum up all that happens here in a day into a short paragraph. But we have felt your prayers, and God showed up on this trip in big ways. We will try to update more from the Safari lodge tomorrow night! Sincerely Jenni Millet for the group

1 comment:

  1. Hope the Kajaido group is now with y'all. Praising our Lord for all that y'all are doing. Looking forward to pictures!


Video from Last Year's 2012 Trip