2013 TCA Mission Africa Video


JenniMillet's 2013 Africa album on Photobucket

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday was a busy day!

Okay, sorry I haven't been great about posting on this blog yet.  We haven't had much time to sit down between events, and right now there is a cat in my lap as I type.  My daughter and Maddie named her Jessica and we have adopted her even though I am so not a cat person and my own husband has forbidden all of us to touch any animals.  Don't tell him!

So today was a busy day.  We started out the morning with our 3rd annual 5K race.  I haven't downloaded everyone's pictures yet, so I don't have many from the race.  We had a good turnout and a lot of fun.  It served as an outreach from Scott Christian University to the community and gave us an opportunity to evangelize a large crowd.

This morning, Molly Breitenfeld led a Women's Ministry outreach down in the chapel.  She had about 22 women come and they all loved her presentation.  After the race and the Women's meeting wrapped up, we had a quick lunch and said goodbye to Max and Dylan who headed out to Nakuru to visit a boy we met last year named Collins.  Collins was very sick and Max has been raising money and working with Pastor Charles Macharia in Nakuru to get medical care for him.  Praise God, this boy is doing much better and Max is looking forward to seeing him tomorrow.  Max and Dylan will be greeting the church in Rongai (where some of our group went last year) tomorrow and preaching there so please keep them in your prayers.

This afternoon, we held the first of our Vacation Bible School days.  We normally have a very small group the first day, building each day to about 300 toward the end.  Today, we lost count at 181...a very large group for the first day of an event.  Madison Miller and Brittany Wright did a fabulous job leading the music with Alexis Wien on the drums.  Alex Waters did a great job leading the overall group and keeping everything moving.  David Crosby and Gracie Breitenfeld did a wonderful skit to introduce the day's topic and Michael Morton and Valerie Lee acted out the days story as King David and his helper.   The other students helped lead crafts and games and everyone did a fabulous job loving on the kids that came.  We will continue the VBS Monday, Tuesday and Wed. afternoons at 4 p.m. so please continue to pray that many will come and hear the gospel message.

There was a late afternoon soccer (futbol) game, dinner, evening worship and now we are heading to bed.  Everyone is doing fine.  We have had a couple of kids with a slight tummy issue (kind of inevitable) but Dr. Wien is doing a fabulous job of quickly looking at any type of illness and getting them medicine and back up on their feet.  We are so fortunate to have him along this year, not only because he's a dr. but also because he's just funny and entertaining.

Tomorrow, we will be heading out to about 8 different churches and then in the late afternoon are taking a trip to the Woodcarvers village to buy stuff.  A few of the boys are choosing to hike with one of our guides instead so sorry parents of those boys...but you probably won't be getting any African knick knacks from them.  :)

Well, I'd better quit writing now so I can TRY to upload some photos to post on here.   I also need to get rid of this cat before Jon catches me!  Thank you for sharing your kids and loved ones with us on this trip.  We have a GREAT group again this year!


Jenni Millet for the team

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Video from Last Year's 2012 Trip