2013 TCA Mission Africa Video


JenniMillet's 2013 Africa album on Photobucket

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday - Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

Jambo from Africa. I am sorry that I don't have photos from today up yet. I have not had time to upload them from people yet today as we have been busy again. This morning, we had an early breakfast and then left in groups to go to about 9 different churches. Each group had a unique experience in an Africa church service. I will try to put some of the photos up tomorrow. We all got back before 3 p.m. and loaded up on the Scott bus to take a trip out to the Woodcarvers Village about an hour's drive away. It is a neat little village where the men sit and make a lot of hand crafted things and they have a big shop where you can buy goodies. We came back for dinner and surprised the dads with a vanilla cake for Fathers Day. The kids had all made cards for each of them and passed them around and signed them. Very sweet! Came back for our evening worship service and are now heading to bed. We have had a couple of people sick with tummy issues this evening. Please keep those not feeling well in your prayers. It's never fun to be sick...but being sick so far away from home is very disconcerting. They all seem to be on the mend thanks to Dr. Wien and our cousin, Debbie, who has been a missionary here for over 30 years and knows all the tricks to feel better more quickly. We are so happy to have Steve and Debbie along this year for so many reasons! I am trying to add more photos to the blog as we go. Please be patient. The electricity and water have been kind of hit and miss since we've been here. Tomorrow we will be working again in the morning on the landscaping site. After lunch, we are taking turns visiting the Orphanage and the School for Disabled. At 4 we will be doing Day 2 of our VBS here at Scott and are excited to see how many children will attend. Thank you so much for your prayers. We can feel them and know that God has His hands on this trip!


  1. Praying for your team this year, Mr. and Mrs. Millet! SO excited to see what God is doing!!! Miss you both!

    With love,


    1. We miss you Lauren! It's fun seeing places that remind us of all the different kids who have been on the trip before.

  2. Praying for each of you! Praising the Lord for your service! Keeping an eye on some troublesome developments in Kenya. Look forward to your daily blog!


Video from Last Year's 2012 Trip