2013 TCA Mission Africa Video


JenniMillet's 2013 Africa album on Photobucket

Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday June 17

Today was another busy day. The girls that were feeling sick last night are feeling much better today and praise God nobody else seems to be sick now. This morning we started by devotions and then breaking into 3 teams going to the Orphanage, the School for Disabled, and working on the landscaping project here at Scott. This afternoon, we had day 2 of VBS and counted over 200 kids. We lost count because they kept moving. But it was alot! Our TCA students are doing a fantastic job. I seriously love these kids. You would all be so proud of them if you were here to see them in action. I'm trying to upload some more photos. Be patient with me, please because almost every night I get about 1/2 way through and then it just quits working or the power goes out or something. Please be in prayer for our little friend Dennis at the Orphanage. Dennis is the one child there who is handicapped and goes between his wheelchair and his bed. He was put in the hospital about 3 months ago for Pneumonia and when he got out a few weeks later, he had developed some terrible bedsores. These can be very dangerous and life threatening to a handicapped person. Dr. Wien did a great job cleaning and dressing the wounds and teaching the staff at the orphanage how to dispense the medicine he gave them. There is enough antibiotic for a month. Please pray that these heal up quickly as he is in a lot of pain and if they do not start to heal we are afraid he might not make it. The team is in good spirits and we are really enjoying each others company and serving together. Tomorrow we will be going to the School for Disabled again as well as the Orphanage and running our 3rd day of VBS. Thank your for your prayers and continued support. Sincerely, Jenni Millet for the team

1 comment:

  1. Prayers going up for Dennis and the whole TCA team! Praying for God' guidance and protection; stamina; good rest; peace; joy; and good health!


Video from Last Year's 2012 Trip