2013 TCA Mission Africa Video


JenniMillet's 2013 Africa album on Photobucket

Friday, June 14, 2013

Group 2 has arrived. This trip is officially underway!

Group 2 arrived safely last night.   The good news is that all of the luggage from the first group did arrive yesterday on the plane.  The bad news is that some of the luggage from the second group did not arrive...but I'm sure it will come tomorrow.

It is currently 10:30 am here in Machakos.  The weather is beautiful (around 75) and we are all heading down to begin our work project for the year.  This year we will be landscaping an area in front of a new building, which will most likely involve moving rocks (for those of you who have been before).

I will try to post some photos later but know that everyone is doing well.  No real illnesses other than jetlag so we are off to a good start.

1 comment:

  1. So happy that all have made it safely. Can imagine that excitement is so high that jetlag will soon abte! God's blessings on your work project and hopefully the rocks are not too big and numerous!:)


Video from Last Year's 2012 Trip