2013 TCA Mission Africa Video


JenniMillet's 2013 Africa album on Photobucket

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wednesday morning, June 19

Sorry I didn't get to update the blog last night like normal. I chose to collapse in bed instead. I hope you understand. :) Lots of things going on to pray for: 1. Brian Millet, Ron Crosby, and Steve Wolcott (Jon's missionary cousin who is with us) left yesterday (Tues. morning) to go out to Kajiado and prepare everything for the rest of our team to come. We are drilling a water well for them and we desperately need prayer for this. Water is obviously a precious and needed commodity and you are not always guaranteed to hit water when you drill. Apparently, they dug yesterday up to 120 meters with no luck. They quit when it got dark. Today, they are starting again but the limit is 150 meters. If they don't hit water by then, it will be an unsuccessful venture. Please pray that if it is the Lord's will, they will hit water by 149 meters or before!. The rest of our team members going to Kajiado are on the bus heading out to join them right now. 17 of our team total will be in Kajiado. Adults there are Brian Millet, Ron Crosby, Steve Wolcott, Ty Westfall, Marny Waters, Kim Morton, and Sylvia Thornton. Please pray for safety as they travel, water for the well, and for the men in the Masaai tribe to come to know Christ in a personal way. 2. We have a few stragglers not feeling well but it seems minor so I'm not going to worry anyone. One of them is my daughter, Mikayla, but it seems to be more just fatigue and exhaustion, some minor allergy/drainage issues, and mild tummy trouble. There are 26 of us here in Machakos still. 3. Thank you for praying for our VBS and let me tell you, your prayers are being answered. Yesterday we lost count at 300 kids. It was kind of a controlled chaos situation but the TCA students are doing an AWESOME job with the music, skits, games, and crafts. It has been so much fun and we are praying that many will come to know Christ through this ministry. 4. Springs of Hope Orphanage - We have a small team over there each morning and afternoon holding babies. Please continue praying for Dennis, the boy we told you about with all the bedsores. We are looking into finding him a medical mattress locally to alleviate some of the pressure points so he can recover. They are giving him the Pedialyte we brought (THANK YOU to whoever donated that) and antibiotics that Doc brought along. We love this Orphanage so much! 5. Masaku School for Disabled - Our whole team went yesterday afternoon for our annual get together and enjoyed a time of singing and fellowship with them. Max and Jon shared God's love for them and we all got to just hang around and play with them for awhile, and shop at their little store. Jon has his art students working on a new mural this year, as well as refurbishing the beautiful mural we did years ago with the hands and water. It has gotten really weathered so they are restoring it. 6. The Work Project here at Scott is almost complete. Our kids did an awesome job of serving joyfully and clearing an entire field for landscaping. It might sound easy but if you've ever been before you know that just to cut the grass, you have to use a hand tool called a Slasher (similar to a machete). Then there are tons of rocks that have to be carried off and the soil has to be broken up with hand tools. It's quite a task. Today they are adding a stone road driveway across the bottom. Luckily, Jon and I have a friend that came with us, Jerry Fudge, that is a brilliant engineer and a very hard worker so he has that whole crew under control. It's amazing how God sends people with the exact right gifts along with us each year for what we need! 7. The 26 of us here in Machakos will be leaving Scott Friday morning to head to Thika. It's about a 2 hour drive and we should have internet while there but if you don't hear from us for awhile you will know why. Dr. Wien will be holding a free clinic and I've been told I'm going to be his Triage nurse. Go ahead and laugh but I think I've got this. I just have to try not to cry in front of the patients! That's gonna' be hard for me. :) Molly Breitenfeld will be hosting a women's ministry to what sounds like 3 huge groups of women (100+) and the rest of the crew will be assisting them or working at the Orphanage there. 8. HUGE PRAISE - We are going to eat samosas at T. Tots restaurant tomorrow. No explanation necessary! Thank you for sharing your kids/family members with us! This is a GREAT team! Sincerely, Jenni for the team

1 comment:

  1. LOVE THIS WHOLE POST! I amy praying right now for the water! (even though it is late in the day Kajiado time as I am typing this.) Also, EAT A SAMOSA FOR ME, JENNI MILLET. And tell your husband I am STILL waiting for my T-Tots t-shirt. That's right, Millet. FOUR YEARS LATER. :) Love you guys- tell all of my TCA friends hello from Miss Cox!!!!


Video from Last Year's 2012 Trip