2013 TCA Mission Africa Video


JenniMillet's 2013 Africa album on Photobucket

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Thursday, June 20

Hello again from Africa! We had a wonderful last day here in Machakos. We finished the murals at the School for Disabled, said goodbye to the babies at Springs of Hope, and wrapped up our final day of VBS. Thank you for the prayers for all of these projects. We estimated about 350 at VBS and invited them to trust Christ at the end. Tomorrow morning we leave around 6 am to head to Thika. The last we heard from the Kajiado group, they had not hit water in the well. Not sure if that means they will try again in a different spot or not. The team is busy building another church in that same area in a 3rd location. Please pray for safety in travels for our group that is leaving tomorrow and continued blessing of our ministry here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jenni for posting! Tell Brian we love him and are proud of him! Tell Gracen Wilder that Emily Millet says Hi!!
    Thank you,
    Cindy Millet


Video from Last Year's 2012 Trip